18 April 2018
We celebrate our second birthday today! Taste of Malawi has been a registered non-profit organisation for two years now, and on this occasion we’d like to tell you what we have done so far:
We have turned an old building into our school, where we have accomodated fifteen women so far. Our current volunteer Nadja holds computer courses for our tailors and has established a kindergarten. This allows us to provide a calm learning environment, and it supports the whole family. Our European team has grown so much that we could establish ourselves in different countries. We now speak five different languages!
Our wish for the future is, that our network will grow farther so that we can hlp even more women on their way into independence. We hope to be financially independent, and sustain the projct only by selling our products in two years time. That’s our goal and sadly we haven’t reached it yet, but we can do it with your help!
We are very proud of our team and our many supporters, and would be very thankful if you helped us also today on our anniversary.
We are only asking for 2€ of support today! If each of our Facebook friends donates only 2€, we can fund the project for two months.
Many thanks! Zikomo!
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