2 September 2019 •
• Badische Zeitung
You can still see a little of Anne Pleuser’s recently completed trip from South East Africa. Engaged and with a certain residual tan on her face, she talks about “Taste of Malawi” – a project that helps women in Lilongwe to become independent.
6 June 2019 •
• Waldeckische Landeszeitung
Get out of my automatism: This was one of my reasons for going to a country that seems less orderly than Germany. A country where the processes are different or where there are no processes that are always the same: Malawi.
3 June 2019 •
• Weltwärts
Laura Stertenbrink is the 40,000th volunteer to carry out a development policy voluntary service since the start of the weltwärts programme in 2008.
15 March 2019 •
• Stuttgarter Zeitung
Nadja Mühlhäuser has suffered a minor culture shock twice. The first time when she came to Malawi, and a second time after she had left the Southeast African country after a good six months’ stay and had to get used to everyday life in Germany again.
18 February 2019 •
• Der Teckbote
Nadja Mühlhäuser doesn’t particularly like the word “help”. “I think the English word “empowerment” is better,” she says. It means something like empower or enable. And that is exactly what the “Taste of Malawi” project is about, offering sewing courses to local women in this landlocked East African country.
3 May 2017 •
• Badische Zeitung
They want to support women in Malawi – and learn something about markets, distribution and “development work” themselves.
13 February 2017 •
• Westfalenpost
A student from Hagen supports the education of women in Malawi, Africa. The aim is to help them find their way into an independent existence. How can I give women in the Third World an education so that they can earn money independently of organisations?
4 January 2017 •
A formative year. After graduating from our school, Johanna Knoop went to Malawi for twelve months in the summer of 2013. In the country in the south of Africa, she worked with children in a project of the Franciscan Sisters of Salzkotten in the village of Ludzi (we reported several times).
3 January 2017 •
With her association Taste of Malawi, Jana Piske wants to help women in Lilongwe to become independent. The woman from Kleinenbroich provides training and commercial knowledge and has also set up an internet shop.
3 January 2017 •
The kfd Erwitte has donated 450 Euros to the charitable association “Taste of Malawi”. The members of the kfd collected the money at their last Advent celebration. Marietheres Lier from the pastoral association office in Erwitte and kfd members Barbara Lüchtefeld and Maria Roß now handed over the cheque to Johanna Knoop, a student from Erwitte who is responsible for fundraising for the association.
29 November 2016 •
“A project for gifted women.” This is the slogan of The Taste of Malawi, a project that supports Malawian tailors and gives them a bit of independence.
28 April 2016 •
• Badische Zeitung
In the civic hall of the Old Town Hall, the Board of Directors and Foundation Council of the Brücke Foundation awarded this year’s Promotion Prize and the 2015 Recognition Prize.
15 September 2015 •
Malawi is a landlocked country in Southeast Africa. It borders Zambia, Mozambique and Tanzania. Jana Piske would immediately find the country in the atlas, but not only because she will soon be studying geography. The young woman from Kleinenbroich lived there for two years. During that time, she founded the “Taste of Malawi” project and would like to continue promoting it from home.
10 August 2015 •
Jana Piske from Kleinenbroich has launched the “Taste of Malawi” project to help seamstresses in Malawi to become independent. It is about commercial basics and financial independence.
28 December 2013 •
Jana Piske lebt für ein Jahr in Malawi und arbeitet dort bei einem Straßenkinderprojekt. In den ersten vier Monaten hat sie bereits viele Eindrücke gesammelt.