9 October 2018
Seven months ago, I posted on my blog for the first time and now my time in Malawi is already over. I am back in Germany and I’m slowly getting used to everyday life again.
As I already pointed out in the last entry, I’ve been in South Africa for three weeks in August. It’s an absolutely beautiful place! Especially Cape Town is breathtaking, but I also really like Johannesburg and the area around Hazyview. I had a minor cultural shock again – but in the opposite direction, because South Africa is much more like Europe than it is like the Africa I got to know during the time I was there!
When I came back after my three weeks of holiday, driving through Lilongwe with Alex felt a bit like coming home. I knew the streets and how everything works.
I had ten more days in Malawi before flying back to Germany. That time was kind of strange, because the other volunteers had already left and the first of the new volunteers had already arrived in Lilongwe. I used my last week to visit all the great places in Lilongwe one last time. During this week I was very confused and didn’t know how to feel, as I was very happy to go back home soon, but also kind of sad to leave Malawi.
The day before my departure, I was at the project one last time to say goodbye to the women. Again, it was very nice to see them again, but at the same time sad, because I knew I was going to leave soon. The women were very kind and said they would miss me. We all drank some Fanta together and were talking about the time. It’s so beautiful to see how we all bonded with each other. In the beginning, the women were rather shy, but during my stay they opened themselves more and more, which is really nice.
I learned a lot from the women and I will definitely miss them, too!
However, a small consolation is that I can stay in contact and continue to work with them. Since I am very convinced of the project and I really like the team dynamics at Taste of Malawi, I will go on working as a member of the German team from now on.
At the end I would like to thank everyone at Taste of Malawi, because I got the chance to do my placement semester in Malawi because of you. The memories and experiences that I was able to collect during this time are priceless and I will always remember them!
Thank you!
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