5 June 2021
Today is the World Environment Day. We as a project, but also each one of us, are moved by the topic. We are aware that climate change is shaping and will shape our present and our future. The World Environment Day is not just a random day that reminds us of an event, but today is understood as a day of action. Environment Day raises awareness of important issues such as global warming, environmental pollution, animal welfare and sustainable consumption.
As this year’s host country has done for World Environment Day (WED) with the theme #GENERATIONRESTORATION, it is up to us to provide for tomorrow in order to secure our future on this planet. The use of resources is a crucial issue, whereby our own responsibility is both ecological and economic, as well as ethical.
Changes do not only occur on a global level or are not brought about by political decision-makers, but also you and me, everyone can bring about changes. Sustainability as well as the efficient use of resources also plays a role for us. This year we, the volunteers of Taste of Malawi e.V., have introduced the brand INO, and we have been working towards this year for quite some time.
Our products have a special feature. They can be combined well, because both sides of the garments can be worn. The 2 in 1 therefore offers one the possibility to choose between a black and a color printed garment. A contribution to a better environment is therefore made by choosing against fast fashion.
Fair trade and setting high standards are the most important things for us. Sustainability is one of our priorities for our garments. We attach importance to the fact that our design is both suitable for everyday life, but at the same time also scores with the many possible combinations.
But even we are not perfect, so we can not guarantee that the products purchased in Chinsapo are made of organic cotton, according to the current state. Nevertheless, we decided to buy the fabrics locally in order to be able to economically support other people in Malawi. In addition, having clothing imported from Malawi is not ideal for a sustainable supply chain.
Our central endeavor of the voluntary association is to ensure the basis of economic independence and security for the women, the tailors. In the coming years we plan to bring ecology even more intensively into the equation and to always involve it in our decisions.
We are certainly not the first to inform about the topic of sustainability or to deal with it. Nevertheless, we would also like to use this day and position ourselves for a better world, because it is particularly important to us that we encourage reflection and that everyone reflects on themselves and their consumption. Slow Fashion starts with every single person. All of our consumption determines the future of our planet
We are so excited to have another #FacesOfToM interview soon. Are you curious about who’s next? We sure are! If you have any questions for the off- site team, we are always happy to include them in the interviews. Just drop us a line on our social media. See you soon!
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