26 October 2021
In the meantime, it’s already fall. We have already introduced you to eleven people from our off-site team. Today you will get to know another member. All of you have already had direct or indirect contact with this person. Why – because she runs the Instagram channel of Taste of Malawi. Read more about her motivations and her own story here!
The seventh interview is characterized by different impressions of the development of our team. Nadja has already been an important part of Taste of Malawi for three years – she coordinates social media, especially Instagram.
In 2018, Nadja was looking for a job in East Africa for her practical semester. This semester is part of her studies in social work. During this search, she came across Taste of Malawi. She was very happy when all requirements from both sides fit. Through Taste of Malawi, she was able to spend about half a year in Malawi. The work there was exciting and inspiring for her. Nadja did not want her engagement to end after her departure. After this exciting and formative time on site, it was clear to her: she will continue to contribute to the project and work in the team from Europe.
Bereits während ihres Praxissemesters hat sie viel mit dem Social Media Team zusammengearbeitet. Diese Arbeit hat ihr vor Ort Spaß gemacht und tut es jetzt weiterhin. Nadja ist auch das Verbindungsglied zu unserer tollen Kooperationspartnerin MyLily. Die kreative Zusammenarbeit mit Anderen für Kampagnen oder die Planung von Posts findet sie besonders spannend. Auch wenn die Koordination von großen Kampagnen wie unserem Geburtstag oder Giving Tuesday zeitintensiv sind, so begeistert sich Nadja jedes Mal aufs Neue dazu, das Team zusammenzutrommeln und Ideen zu sammeln.
For Nadja, working with ToM is something completely different from what she does in her job. She works in a youth center in Cologne and started her Master’s degree in Empowerment Studies this month. Nadja has been devotedly involved in the project for years and finds it crucial that we in the team don’t just do our to-do lists.
In the meantime, “great friendships have developed among us in the team, and we have already achieved so, so much together”. Nadja repeatedly emphasizes that she values the fact that everyone at Taste of Malawi volunteers and puts their heart and soul into making a difference together. The cooperation with the on-site team in Malawi creates a very special exchange. We get many insights into Malawi.
“The team, on-site and off-site, of Taste of Malawi, makes the project, and it is unique in this way. In the future, I wish that even more people can become part of this team and learn together with us. Working together is just a lot of fun.”
We are excited to have another #FacesOfTom interview soon. Are you curious and do you want to be part of the team? If you have questions for the OffSite team, we are always happy to include them in our interviews. Just drop us a line on our social media. See you soon!
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