4 January 2022
It’s hard to imagine that 2021 is already over and that it is exam season! Exams can be nerve-racking, am I right? I’m sure we have all been there and experienced those pre-exams jitters. I know I have!
Our students in Malawi are currently taking their semester exams – below you can see them in action!
For this semester’s exams, our students started out with the practical session of the exam. After the practical session, they switched to the theoretical session. Having both elements included in exams is very advantageous when aiming for a complete learning experience.
No, no, no. Malawi’s layout is not coming up in this paragraph. 🙂
This paragraph is simply to explain what exactly our students are learning during their training program and what they are tested on.
Throughout the semester, our students learn how to become tailors; this includes, but is not limited to, sewing, learning how to make garments, taking measurements, choosing fabric, and also how to start their own business!
The above-mentioned topics are what our students are tested on during their practical exams.
We firmly believe that, the more one practices, the better one can master a certain skill. This belief makes up the building blocks of our training program. Our students spend a plethora of time learning, practicing, and learning some more! This style of learning yields very positive results, to say the least.
We are wishing our students a very positive exam season and a Happy New Year! As to you as well – our beloved readers.
Are you willing to learn too and want to be part of the journey of Taste of Malawi? Reach out to us. It makes no difference in which country you live and what team you want to contribute to. Help and support is welcome!
We are excited to have a new #FacesOfTom interview soon. Are you curious? If you have any questions for the Offsite team, we are always happy to include them in our interviews. Just drop us a line on our social media. See you soon!
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