5 January 2023
What does your subteam do? What are your tasks?
The fundraising team mainly takes care of financing the project. This is done in many different ways. Our most important support is our great donors. We implement fundraising campaigns, so they always know what is going on in the project and where help is especially needed. We always work very closely with our wonderful social media team. In addition to donations and everything associated with them, our tasks also include applying for awards and competitions, as well as initiating and supporting funding projects.
Which tasks do you enjoy the most?
Implementing fundraising campaigns is particularly enjoyable for me – and I think for the rest of the team as well. We can all contribute what we are particularly passionate about or what we particularly enjoy. For me, for example, it’s the conception and planning, and for Paula it’s the creative implementation. And campaigns are always just absolutely exciting! The whole team helps to make the campaign a success and it’s really visible how many great people support us and what we can achieve with their support.
How do you organize your subteam?
We are quite scattered right now: in Spain, in France and in Germany – and the fact that we can still work together makes the project so special for me. We talk regularly in video calls and plan the coming weeks. We see what’s coming up and who has what capacities. We have a few fixed dates in the calendar, such as the projects birthday or the annual Giving Tuesday. However, we often receive requests from Malawi at short notice because the Onsite-Team needs support. For example, to repair the flood damage caused by tropical storm Ana. Then we get together and decide on the fly what we can do.
What other teams do you work with most often? When and how?
Especially often (and with pleasure 🙂 ) with the social media team. We work together on the campaigns and that always makes the process even more beautiful and better! And of course, we work closely with the Onsite-Team. It’s important to know what the needs are and how we can best meet them. That’s really nice, because we’re always close to what’s happening in the project. And because financing is also a lot about numbers, we are always in contact with the accounting team and get support, which is a great help for us every time.
When and how do you work with the OnSite team?
See above.
Why did you choose the Fundraising team?
I am one of the founding members of the project and in the beginning I did many other tasks. The fact that it then became the fundraising team was particularly related to my bachelor’s degree in public and nonprofit management. I had marketing and fundraising seminars as part of my studies and wanted to put my knowledge into practice and integrate practical experience into my studies. Beside that, it’s a really nice job because I get to talk to people a lot about the project, I can work strategically and operationally, the work is creative and most of the time there is a clear result.
Why did you decide to become the team lead?
Since I’ve been there from the beginning, that’s how it turned out for now. I really enjoy being the team leader because I like to work towards creating an atmosphere where the team can work really well and everyone feels self-efficient.
If you were to change your subteam, which one would it be and why?
I would probably start a new subteam: Sustainability. Because I studied sustainable management in my master’s program and my heart beats for this topic.
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